- chroma
- насыщенность светацвет объекта, определяемый частотой светового луча, испускаемого или отражаемого объектом.
English-Russian terms in computer graphics and 3D. 2005.
English-Russian terms in computer graphics and 3D. 2005.
Chroma — Chroma, the Greek word for color, may refer to: Colorfulness or chroma, the perceived intensity of a specific color Chrominance or chroma, one of the two components of a television signal Chroma, a measure of color purity in the Munsell color… … Wikipedia
Chroma — es un festival independiente no lucrativo de artes audiovisuales, es considerado el festival independiente de artes audiovisuales más importante en el mundo de habla hispana y de su tipo a nivel continental,[1] este festival es llevado a cabo en… … Wikipedia Español
Chroma — (Финикус,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Foinikounta, Финикус, 24006, Греция Описани … Каталог отелей
CHROMA — Craece Χρῶνα i. e. color, absolute positum, Plinio, l. 33. c. 7. cinnabaris est, apud Theophr astum, quod etiam Graecia recentior καλλίχρουν vocavit: Salmasio genus quoddam radiculae, quô e Syria advehi solitô, colorabantur olim unguenta. Ita… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
chroma — [krō′mə] n. [Gr chrōma (gen. chrōmatos), color; orig. skin, color of the skin < IE base * ghrēu , to rub hard over, crumble > GRITS] Chiefly Brit. SATURATION (sense 2) … English World dictionary
Chroma — (grch.), Farbe … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Chroma — Chroma, griech., Farbe, in medic. Hinsicht die Hautfarbe … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
chroma- — chromat(o) , chrome, chromie, chromo éléments, du gr. khrôma, khrômatos, couleur … Encyclopédie Universelle
chroma — quality or intensity of color, 1889, from Gk. khroma surface of the body, skin, color of the skin, color, related to khros surface of the body, skin, khrozein to touch the surface of the body, to tinge, to color, explained as being somehow from… … Etymology dictionary
Chroma — ChromaVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt Lage Republik Sacha (Russland) Flusssystem Chroma Ursprung Zusammenfluss von Temteken und Nemalak Arangas … Deutsch Wikipedia
chroma — noun Etymology: Greek chrōma Date: circa 1889 1. saturation 4a 2. a quality of color combining hue and saturation … New Collegiate Dictionary